Get to know Mobile Music Lessons student Eli, from the piano studio of Adam Pandian.
Q: What is your favorite piece to play?
A: Legend of Madrid by N. Fabir. I think it is a fun piece to play. I like the speed and the different dynamics of it.
Q: What has music taught you?
A: Patience, sometimes you can't play a piece at the intended tempo when you first start learning it. Sometimes, you have to be patient and slow it down a little bit in order to learn how to play it properly.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: Tim Follin, he wrote the music to some of my favorite video games.
Q: How has music been a part of your life since you were young?
A: Music has always been a part of my life, from participating in choir at school, to playing the piano, to creating music on my computer.
