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Student Spotlight: Shae

Writer: sophiasahmadsophiasahmad

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Q: What is your favorite piece to play? A: I don't have a favorite piece in particular but I love to play slow songs that sound majestic and has big cords. Pop songs are also fun to play in my free time. Q: What has music taught you? A: Music has taught me about time management and overall taught me how to memorize things. The skills I've learned through piano have carried over to my theatre experience and even my schoolwork. Q: Who is your favorite artist? A: My favorite artist is Khalid. Q: How has music been a part of your life since you were young? A: I started playing piano when I was three and fourteen years later I'm still playing the piano. It's a fun skill to have to show your friends or even perform to a crowd. Q: Anything else you’d like to add? A: Playing the piano has changed my life and I'm so thankful my parents enrolled me in lessons at such a young age.


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